- RT @LoudounSBDC: Attend Apr 28th Finance Fair at GWU-VA Campus, part of 4th Annual Building Business Together…http://lnkd.in/Dec_jP #
- RT @Mediabistro The Wall Street Journal’s Website is Free Today http://mbist.ro/dG9LbT (via @FishbowlNY) #
- RT @rsidneysmith: In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. ~Robert Frost (1874-1963); poet @valuescom #
- Not sure what will happen since RIM Acquired Tungle, but BlackBerry users should be rejoicing! http://ow.ly/4Iben /rs #
- RT @LoudounSBDC: SBDC – Tomorrow: Attend Building Business Together Event! http://conta.cc/f6vBfB #
- RT @TechCrunch: There Are Now More Free Apps For Android Than For The iPhone: Distimo http://t.co/X3iLMnh by @robinwauters #milestone #
- RT @washingtonpost: Sony got hacked. If you use PlayStation Network, here's how to protect yourself: http://wapo.st/jPmDPr #
- RT @rsidneysmith: Gr8 audience & questions! @LoudounSBDC: Session a: Social Media Best Practices, brought to you by W3C. #Smallbiz #
- Customers, Pay Friends By Bumping Smartphones @mashable http://ow.ly/4JZOM @w3consulting comments: http://goo.gl/uge0u #
- RT @rsidneysmith: @nytimes: BIN LADEN DEAD, U.S. OFFICIAL SAYS // Prez Obama to deliver address shortly! http://ow.ly/4KSMn #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-02