- A little long, but #worthreading The Gold in Social Customer Service – Forbes http://ow.ly/6RwGI #
- DRM Removal Helps Decrease Piracy: http://t.co/87NWUsy8 (@lockergnome) #
- RT @mashable: Amazon Lets You Manage Your Print Magazine Subscriptions – http://t.co/y8phIhEq #
- @BizFinanceForum I have a regularly scheduled meeting every other Wednesday but this week I'll be on #Smallbizchat How'd prez go? #
- @brightfarms Do you have any clients here in #NYC (or #DC ) that would be interested in letting me tour their greenhouse? ^RS #
- Twitter announced all tweets will now be wrapped with (changed to) t.co shortened URL! FYI #smallbiz #
- Apple Opens iCloud Ahead of iOS 5 Launch | PCWorld http://t.co/JPMSO1D4 #
- RT @gtddc: Have you RSVP'd for 10/19 #GTD #DC #meetup w/ guest speaker @alexpriest? Join us: http://t.co/NNWQEJzh #productivity #
- RT @joindiaspora: Diaspora* is a community effort to build a better social web. Can you help? Our latest blog post: http://t.co/ITllSiPG #
- RE: @w3consulting "How To Launch A Promotion On A Daily Deals Site" – http://t.co/ybGLbGPf by @ToddWasserman http://t.co/s1Fg5uUz #
- “@internetlaw4u: Google’s Website Privacy Principles: Why did Google post its website privacy principles online? http://t.co/HqoyVSfc” #
- Google+ Now Has 40 Million Users http://t.co/NVBWvRWO RT @glengilmore @SEO_Hacker @dannysullivan @sengineland #
- +1 “@ducttape: Just a heads up for my stream – doing a tweet chat for the next hour so sorry for the flood – join us 🙂 #FedExSmallBiz
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-17