- Thanksgiving should come more than once a year… http://t.co/QrAinI9y #
- RT @upsjobs: 13,000+ people hired in US by @UPSjobs last week & we'll hire even more next week! Please Share: http://t.co/Q9gzBMMt #urtc .. #
- RT @wsj: As many as 152 million people plan to shop this weekend, the biggest expected turnout ever: http://t.co/jQ1w3W8K #
- Get 2GB free online storage! – http://t.co/TIKKZmso #
- RT @sbagov: Today is Small Business Saturday! Support your community, shop local: http://t.co/nCoza2LP #SmallBizSat Please RT #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-01