- “@MarkMorris29: Additional thanks to CBP and Anna Urman @beyourboss for connecting me to @rsidneysmith. Thanks for the great insight!” #
- I just signed up for the O'Reilly Webcast: 10 things every web developer, designer (and manager) s… http://t.co/LzGwhwnV via @oreillymedia #
- What was your best #SmallBusiness #SocialMedia experience in 2011? I'd like to do a blog post re #SocMed biz experiences? Let me know! Thx! #
- RE: @w3consulting RT @jowyang: Bit off more than you can chew? Groupon makes baker swallow profits in over-selling a… http://t.co/DmOBaNXO #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-05