I had the liberty of being able to finally join the #KaizenBiz Twitter chat (“tweetchat”) that happens on Fridays at noon Eastern. I have been wanting to join the tweetchat for quite some time (at the behest of Lois Martin (@loismarketing), but work meetings, projects and other events have kept me away until now. So, it was apropos that today’s topic was entitled “Deeper Dive Into What Social Media Trends Mean.” It was a great group and the host, Elli St. George-Godfrey (@3keyscoach), handed the torch over to Cathy Larkin (@cathywebsavvypr) to guest-host for this week’s chat. She, along with the group, were warm and welcoming, and the conversation wasn’t too stuffy but got into some good, deep discussion on Social Media trends. I saw some familiar faces from the defunct #HBRchat, which was really great to see. Below is the transcript in slideshow and feed formats. Enjoy!
[View the story “#KaizenBiz Chat – 04/04/14” on Storify]
[View the story “#KaizenBiz Chat – 04/04/14” on Storify]
#KaizenBiz Chat – Deep Dive Into What Social Media Trends Mean
@digitalsista @LoisMarketing @twubs @BloombergNews You’ve been quoted in “#KaizenBiz Chat – 04/04/14” http://t.co/sEIk7H7stH
RT @w3consulting: @CathyWebSavvyPR @3keyscoach @HarveyJWade @ClaireSMBB @AskWhatNext You’ve been quoted in “#KaizenBiz Chat – 04/04/14” htt…
RT @w3consulting: @CathyWebSavvyPR @3keyscoach @HarveyJWade @ClaireSMBB @AskWhatNext You’ve been quoted in “#KaizenBiz Chat – 04/04/14” htt…