- The State of Email Marketing [Infographic] http://t.co/VFRxGFfl #
- On being a Social Small Business and whether Klout Score really matters. – http://t.co/0WWF5DSG #
- Did you know? The average Facebook user has 130 friends. #
- DC's local campaign to encourage preparedness ahead of a storm. – http://t.co/o5StsSs1 via @dc_hsema // Good work! Check it out! #
- RT @rsidneysmith: This is pretty amazing: Galaxy Nexus and Face Unlock: Smile – http://t.co/kLwNAH9i #
- “@HarvardBiz: Today's #HBRchat on how retailers are reinventing shopping…. Details: http://t.co/l1jUV5k2” I'll be tweeting4nxt hr! ^RS #
- #hbrchat W3 Consulting helps businesses plan strategically & implement successfully for the Web, Social Web, Mobile Web and beyond. #
- #hbrchat A1: I've enjoyed seeing how retailers have been incorporating their Social Media promotions to drive foot traffic. #
- #hbrchat A1b) Particularly using #Foursquare to promote local tips and deals when you checkin. #
- RT @ACinSA: Yes, serv industry you need to invest in HC. Retail w/2days info cust you need to be efficient. High val item diff #hbrchat #
- RT @HBRexchange: Q3) How did you shop this holiday season – mostly in stores or online? Why? #hbrchat #
- A3: Remarkably, close to 60% (Web) and 40% (offline); this is also because I like to ppl and brand watch for patterns! 😉 #hbrchat #
- Kudos! // @valeriemorini: Q3) In stores – it was a #shoplocal move #hbrchat #
- RT @valeriemorini: love the #shoplocal peeps @allisonbeadle @IC_Jen RT @rymo63: #hbrchat A3 mostly in store #shoplocal #eatlocal #hbrchat #
- Thanks for great convo, all & @HBRexchange! // HBR slideshow "How Retailers Are Reinventing Shopping." http://t.co/nEmVhceL #hbrchat #
- RT @HBRexchange: For more on retail, see the HBR article "The Future of Shopping" http://t.co/sK1xuvKM #hbrchat #
- RT @HBRexchange: @iQmetrix @herringunderfur @w3consulting R quoted on our HBRchat Highlights – thanks for joining! http://t.co/YKXnGSh4 #
- As our subsidiary W3C Web Services is @godaddy hosting/domain reseller, we're quite concerned about its #SOPA & #PIPA support. #
- Please know we'll do everything we can to make sure your services with us are smoothly transitioned if we pull our services from @godaddy. #
- Understanding the Open Web (& fully support it), & while @godaddy & all providers shd work 4 justice, #SOPA & #PIPA are not the answer. #
- Isn't the story @Google has 3 of 10 most-visited sites? "Facebook accounted for 10.29% of all website visits in 2011" http://t.co/eWvXPA4Y #
- Many thanks to @godaddy for removing their support of #SOPA legislation until it's done properly! – http://t.co/9a0LvBgB #StopSOPA #
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2011-12-26