As you know, there is a month for everything! From heritage to interests to social causes, there is an opportunity to focus your marketing on likely for every 30 day cycle of the year. I know that retail sales goes
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-02-13
Manage Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Foursquare & WordPress in one place. Try HootSuite Pro free for 30 days – #smallbiz # To my #HR experts, @2patra @HRmargo , thoughts on this #Forbes article? #
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-02-06
Do I Really Need a Business Plan?: #
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-01-30
I can't join #HBRchat but on Happiness & Social Media, I think it's apropos to mention: "New" by W. Gallagher # RE: None of these are catering to Small Business yet, however. Even HootSuite (who I admire greatly) have
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-01-23
Love the STOP #SOPA avatars showing up in the tweetfeed! #STOPSOPA # It was great to see @2patra @GJMTECH and others today at the @alexvasbdc roundtable about tech gadgets for #smallbiz #
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-01-16
Joining @HBRexchange's tweetchat now! We're Web/digital strategists for #smallbiz headed by @rsidneysmith (strategist & presenter) #hbrchat # RT @HBRexchange: Well be discussing customer data collection and engagement. Details: #hbrchat # RT @HBRexchange: Q1: How do you feel about sharing
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-01-09
I wouldn't listen to the Google+ haters. Join, create a #googleplus page and engage with your audience. #smallbiz #
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2012-01-02
Happy New Year! Here's to a prosperous 2012! #
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2011-12-26
The State of Email Marketing [Infographic] # On being a Social Small Business and whether Klout Score really matters. – # Did you know? The average Facebook user has 130 friends. # DC's local campaign to encourage preparedness
@W3Consulting Tweets for 2011-12-19
W3C blog post: Google Continues to Add New Features from Google+ to Search — Circles Appearing # RT @AARP: We're seeing a spate of Twitter spam talking about AARP discounts. If its got an egg avatar, it's not us!