On “Switched on IT,” the PowerTV Australia show that co-hosted by Doug Endersbee of OZ Hosting and W3 Consulting’s Ray Sidney-Smith, Episode 4, Doug interviews Ray about Social Media marketing, starting with the use of Facebook, Instagram and some general discussion about hashtags. Ray covers some really important Social Media fundamentals that most small businesses are getting wrong. Then, the conversation leads to setting up Facebook Pages, optimizing your content for Facebook and Instagram (owned by Facebook). Finally, they talk about the power of understanding and using hashtags in your Social Media marketing with Facebook, Instagram and other platforms that support hashtagging.
In the next few episodes, they will be covering LinkedIn, Twitter and more.
To learn more about Social Media marketing with Facebook and Instagram, here are a few resources to check out:
- Social Media Image Sizes cheat sheet
- The Definitive Facebook Marketing Guide for Business
- 7-Step Facebook Marketing Strategy to Dominate 2018
- Facebook’s Marketing on Facebook
- Instagram Marketing: How to Create Captivating Visuals, Grow Your Following, and Drive Engagement
- Instagram Marketing: Everything you need to know to create a successful Instagram marketing strategy for your business
- How to Use Instagram for Business: A Complete Guide for Marketers
If you have a question about your Social Media, Web, or Mobile marketing strategy, please feel free to leave a comment and we’ll try to help you out. Or, if you’re looking for one-to-one consulting advice with Ray, please reach out for a consulting session. Here’s to your SoLoMo Success!