Google commands nearly 80% of Web and 90% of mobile search traffic on the planet. With global search leaders such as Yahoo, Bing (Microsoft), and Baidu (in China) still commanding between 5 and 15 percent each, they are forces not
Getting Found on Google: Search Engine Optimization for Local Small Business
In our latest Beyond Google Webinar, I had the pleasure of talking about “Getting Found on Google: Search Engine Optimization for Local Small Business.” This is an important topic and one in which is even more important today with increased
#AskaMobilePro Twitter Chat – June 23, 2016 with @GoogleSmallBiz
As you know, there is a month for everything! From heritage to interests to social causes, there is an opportunity to focus your marketing on likely for every 30 day cycle of the year. I know that retail sales goes
Webinar: Google Chrome: The Little Browser That Can
Most people don’t realize the importance of vital resources until it’s missing suddenly from their lives. Case in point: you likely don’t contemplate the air you breathe at any given moment, unless you’re deprived of it. Not to be too
Google Keep, Voice Search, and Voice Typing in Google Docs – What’s New at Google
Periodically, I will be writing a What’s New at Google post here to update you about new updates to the Google ecosystem that affects you as a Small Business owner. These can be warnings as well as the many frequent enhancements