In our latest Beyond Google Webinar, I had the pleasure of talking about “Getting Found on Google: Search Engine Optimization for Local Small Business.” This is an important topic and one in which is even more important today with increased
#AskaMobilePro Twitter Chat – June 23, 2016 with @GoogleSmallBiz
As you know, there is a month for everything! From heritage to interests to social causes, there is an opportunity to focus your marketing on likely for every 30 day cycle of the year. I know that retail sales goes
SoLoMo Success (eBook) launches!
We’re excited to announce that Ray Sidney-Smith has published his first book, SoLoMo Success: Social Media, Local and Mobile Small Business Marketing Strategy Explained! Available now on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook, along with paperback and audiobook versions
Managing Email Overload [archived Webinar]
Managing Email Overload Are you overwhelmed by the amount of email messages you receive? Do you have an overflowing email inbox? Are you losing potential business because it takes too long for you to respond to email messages? You are
Launch Your Small Business Website in Under 24 Hours!
Launch Your Small Business Website in Under 24 Hours! Are you thinking about launching your business website, or perhaps you are ready to build your blog? Do you believe that you do not have the time to get it done?
Google PLUS Your Small Business [webinar]
Google PLUS Your Small Business [webinar] from Ray Sidney-Smith on Vimeo. Google+, the Internet giant’s latest foray into social media, makes connecting on the Web more like connecting in the real world. Share your thoughts, links and photos/videos with the
QR Code Marketing for Small Business [webinar]
QR Code Marketing for Small Business: How It Works and What a Successful Strategy Looks Like QR codes are all the rage in the mobile marketing world! And, while we think they’re a great complement to any Small Business marketing
Getting Beyond Just QR Codes!
Picture this: you walk into your neighborhood café. You order your large, no-whip-soy-mocha coffee beverage of choice. Then, you proceed to pay for your designer café experience when you see a small sign on the counter. The display asks you